Monday, May 18, 2015

English, Fringlish, Czinglish...

(DR. LARSON---#4: Language Issues (or not so many anymore!)

     My very first real blog post touched a bit on the topic of being exposed to a new language, and how it feels to live in a place where English is almost nobody's first language. Looking back on that one though, I think I was a bit overwhelmed, and I thought it might be interesting to have a reflection of language perception from the beginning, and the end of my little Czech adventure.
     Languages can be really fun to figure out, and if you look at them like a game or a puzzle, it makes not being able to understand them a lot less frustrating. In Europe, there are obviously many different languages, but many of them have lots of similarities, if you are able to notice them. For example, some of them are Latin based, or romantic (Portuguese, French, Italian, etc.), others are Germanic (German, Dutch, Swedish, etc.) and others, like in the case of the Czech Republic, are Slavic (Russian, Polish, Slovak, etc.). These are just three examples, there are MANY more, but these are just the ones I have been exposed to yet. By now, I have been in at least one country that have a language based on these three, and it is so interesting to me to see the many differences and similarities between all of the languages. I was just in Poland about a week ago and I understand how people believe that Czech and Polish culture is so similar, but by being in the Czech Republic so long now, I have gotten fairly used to the language, and I found it strange to sit down in a Polish restaurant and wish for a Czech menu instead! The languages are somewhat similar, but for a Slavic language, Czech is actually much smoother than many people might think. Any central/eastern European country is expected to have a harsh, guttural, German or Russian sounding language, but the Czech language is actually beautiful in it’s own way.
     Being around so many people that speak different languages is also really entertaining, because English is sort of a common tongue between all of the Erasmus, no matter how good everyone is at it. We also pick up different words or phrases from all the different languages, and it is actually a lot of fun! I think we all have learned hello, goodbye, and how to swear in like 10 different languages! We also like to throw in a bit of our basic Czech, because most of us have learned that also! My personal favorite in every language is how to say “cheers” though, because all of them are so different, and all of them are so much more fun that the simple “cheers” in America! Its also a great conversation starter:
Foreigner:  Hi! Where are you from?
Me:  America! And you?
Foreigner:   (oh jeez and American… here we go…) Im from Slovenia
Foreigner:  OP-OP-OP-OPPPPPPAAAAHHHHH! (Oh wow, she knows cheers in Slovenian? Maybe not ALL Americans are so ignorant!)

     Getting to know, or at least just making even a small effort to learn a language can improve relationships so much, and make it seem like you genuinely want to know about a person, because the language a person speaks is so much a part of their identity, and cultures in general. It also is just a fun thing to be able to know. Na zdravi! Salud! Salute! Chin chin! OOOPPPPAAHH! Na zdravia! Egészségére!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Grandpa said not to drink the water!


     One of the best ways to meet new people in a new country is to get together and go out! Our social lives here have bloomed, and I don’t think I’ve met and gotten to know so many new people since my freshman year of college at UNK. I came here with over 20 fellow Americans, and even though it would have been so much easier to stick with them all day every day and only speak well-spoken, American accented English, I would not have gotten the experience I did. I have met so many absolutely amazing people since I’ve come to the Czech Republic, and I have gotten an even better experience by living with all of the Erasmus students at the international dorms. Marissa and I have made such an effort to get to know our flat mates especially, and it is through them that we have made some of our fondest memories, and I truly believe that you can experience different parts of the world just by talking to someone from there. For example, some of my closest international friends I have made are a few students from France that I met through my flat mate Thibault. 

Thibault (left) and Kevin (right) from France at Belmondo

     By hanging out with them so much, I think I may finish this trip knowing more French than Czech! They talk about their home so much and are convinced (because they’re French..) that it is the most amazing place ever, I’m starting to believe them! People make all the difference when traveling, and I implore you to make that your first priority when you get the chance to travel!

Our group on our first weekend in Prague
    It’s no secret that we all like to go out while we are here, but we are just trying to do as the Romans do! The big nights people like to get together and go out are Mondays and Wednesdays. Monday nights are mostly spent at a pub called 15 minuts, and Wednesdays are spent at a club called Belmondo. Because we are in the international dorms, these are our nights where we can go out and meet some local Czech students also. We like to get talking and show off what little Czech we know and they enjoy us because nobody really ever bothers to learn Czech! These little weekly parties are mostly dominated by the Erasmus students though, so its fun going out and knowing so many friendly, familiar faces. Besides going out for the night though, we also love to go out for some coffee, or lunch or dinner at one of our favorite little restaurants we have found in Olomouc.

Na Zdraví! (Cheers!)

     Living with and getting so close to so many people has been the most exciting and by far one of my favorite parts of this whole experience. I will deeply miss waking up and being able to step out of my room and interact with so many different people and cultures. This is one thing that I absolutely cannot get in America, and it makes me sad to think that I may not ever have an experience like this ever again. Being able to have such a new and active social life over here make me see what I am missing, and also how many AMAZING people are out there in the world if you only give them a chance.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A healthy little dose of perspective.

(FOR DR. LARSON----#2: Academic Life)

     Contrary to what many of you may think, and what most of my pictures might portray, we DO actually have to attend class and learn something while we are here. School over here is pretty similar to school in the states (except for the field trip class!), but our classes here are actually pretty useful and interesting and give us much more perspective to be able to enjoy the place we are living. 
     We go to class every weekday that we are not traveling, and it generally stars at 15:00 (3:00) every day, and goes until about 19:15 (7:15). The classes are broken up into three different periods, with a different professor for each one and about a 10 minute break between lectures. The first period is usually taught by a guest lecturer who comes in and gives a presentation over a topic we are learning, while focusing heavily on their own specialty. Up to this point, we have had 10 different guest professors, and have learned about topics like: Czech government and politics, Life in medieval cities, Czechs and Germans, Jews in Bohemian lands in the 20th century, Islam in Europe, Gender in Czech society, Key social problems, and Higher education in Europe, just to name a few. This gives us the chance to learn a wide range of topics while also getting to experience many different teaching styles, because almost all of these professors' first language is one other than English. Through these lectures, I feel like I am slowing climbing out of the "ignorant American" stereotype, and can now confidently talk on current topics such as the EU, or the Eurozone, many forms of European government, and how they became that way, why some countries fell under communist regime after WWII, and how many countries gained their independence from it. I fully understand what was happening behind the "Iron curtain", and how many countries are still affected by the events of WWII, and what followed thereafter. I understand the different societies more, and cultural differences are starting to make sense. Walking through a new town, I understand more of what I am seeing, why towns are laid out the way they are, and why some are more grand than others. In America, we have learned some of almost every single one of these topics, but we can actually understand it when we are able to step outside of the classroom and see and experience first hand what we just learned about in class. 
     The next 45 minutes of class are spent trying to learn the Czech language with our Czech teacher, Kateřina Prokopova. Czech is an especially difficult language, what with 34 letters in the alphabet and 7 tenses for nouns, and so many rules that the teacher can barely keep track of them. What we are learning is cleverly dubbed by the other foreign students as "survival Czech". This mainly consists of the basic "hello, where are you from? My name is... what's yours? How are you? How do say ___ in Czech? What does ___ mean? etc..." We also learn numbers and the weekdays and some basic nouns. One of the most useful things that we have been taught so far though, is how to order correctly at a restaurant, and a lot of useful restaurant vocabulary. I play a game with myself to see how long I can keep the waiter/waitress speaking Czech, before they have to switch over to English for the stupid American girl. We are all really enjoying this class actually, but there really is no way we can learn very much past this in only our short amount of time spent here.
     The third lecture is taught by one of our two main Czech professors. Jan Stejskal teaches our more general western civilization class, to give us the background we need to understand most of the other lectures in all of our other classes. His lectures consist of things like: Greek and Roman legacy, Crusades, Women in European history, Europe and the others, Totalitarianism, and Christianity and formation of the European East and West. These lectures are much more history based, which usually I cringe just at the thought, but by living in a place and traveling to places that are so full of history, I have a million questions of how and why and when everything was made and formed and destroyed and rebuilt, so I eat these lectures up, and try to soak up all the answers like a little sponge.

Martin (left) and Jan (right), our amazing professors!

      Martin Elbel is our other regular professor, and he teaches a course on the holocaust that is unlike any I have ever had before. We have all learned about the holocaust one time or another in school, but we mainly just learn the timeline, and all the monstrosities that went along with it. Martin delves into more of the psychology of it, and lets us understand how the world and the people in it can let something like the holocaust even happen. He puts forth ideas that there are actually recognizable chains of events that happen before something like the holocaust, and if we see them early enough they can almost act as warning signs. His very first lecture, he talked about the witch hunts in Europe, and all of the events leading up to one of the most gruesome and meaningless massacres in history. Looking back, witch hunts seem so silly, but he explained all of the fear and chaos that led people to believe that they were doing the right thing, and then he showed us the chain of events that led up to holocaust, and they were eerily similar. His lectures are so thought provoking, that every day I am quite literally at the edge of my seat hanging off every word he has to say. 
    Our last portion of classes (and I loathe to even put this in, because it's not "technically" studying I guess....) is our film, blogging, and field trips! Every week, we get to watch one (relevant!) film about some topic we have learned about recently. Our blogs are pretty self explanatory (because you're reading one..), but I am so glad we are forced to do them, because I know we will all love to look back and read what we wrote while we were over here having the time of our lives! The last part, the field trips, are ACTUALLY EDUCATIONAL, and it is just more of a hands on adventure of everything we have been learning in class. We have traveled to three towns in the Czech Republic, and still have three more, Germany, Austria, Italy, and independently I have also gone to Spain, and we still have yet to go to Poland, where we will visit the much anticipated (and a little bit dreaded) Auschwitz. 
     These classes are obviously mostly history based, and I usually cringe at even the thought of sitting through a history class, but being here in the heart of some of the most historical and culturally rich places in the entire world has given me a brand new appreciation for all things history. It has opened my eyes to so many things I have been forced to learn for a bubble answer on a test in America for what they really are, and that is something I did not really expect to gain from this little adventure of mine.